Like many digital agency owners, I didn’t start my agency with a well-thought out financial...
Books have made a huge impact on my career as an entrepreneur, but the problem...
For the first 10 years of my career, I had many side projects with varying...
A couple of years ago, I started to build a big vision for my business....
In 2021, I first tried to do all my work from an iPad. Back then,...
It’s rare for small companies to make security a high priority, but it’s an increasingly important...
Being that my background was in funded tech startups and I now run two digital...
Entrepreneurs who are just getting started often spend too much time figuring out their offering...
Among the challenges I did not expect when starting a business was the constant stream...
Since starting in 2020, I’ve had the opportunity to work with dozens of open...
If you follow me on social media or hear me on podcasts, you probably think...
When I started my in 2020, my goal was to build a business that...
One of the first roles founders take on is that of sales leader. In fact,...
In 2022, my company, was growing rapidly. My team was solidifying and I had...
Fear has been both a fantastic motivator and the biggest limiting factor I have faced...
Only 9% of small businesses reach $1 million or more in revenue. This is shocking...
Having kids is a valuable experience for entrepreneurs. I’m not saying it’s easy. It’s way...
Hiring a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is a difficult feat at the best of times....
You are finally ready to climb the mountain. You’ve spent 10 years learning, preparing, and...
Hiring is always hard. Even with 10 years of experience leading teams at startups, I...
I went to MicroConf for the first time a couple of weeks ago. While I...
I recently joined Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), a peer group for business owners with chapters across...
There are lots of ways to make money online, but one of the oldest is...
If you spend much time in online forums about startups, one of the most persistent...
“Every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don’t intend to waste any of...
Last year I took a leap. After years of working with startups, I decided I...
I’m basically living the indie hacker’s dream. I run a small, profitable, bootstrapped business that...
I was having a conversation with a friend recently and she told me about her...
I’ve had three jobs with startups where my ultimate interview was directly with the founders....
Question What is one way for an entrepreneur to decrease risk when starting a business?...
An entrepreneur comes up with an idea and creates a new business out of it,...
Question What is a common mistake that small-business owners make when their businesses begin growing?...
It’s been less than a year since I started and we’ve already built up...
When I started my business last year, I knew I wanted to pay myself something...
I’ve always been very intentional about building my network, so when I started it...
Last year, I read two books that changed my perspective on work. The first was...
How do you manage your project workflows? Effective project management is crucial to the success...
Some believe that creating a successful software startup is about nothing more than making a...
When I left my job to start last year, I knew there were pros...
A friend recently asked me for help with her startup’s landing page. While I’m not...
The two fastest ways to kill your startup are: Having no business model. Having an...
One of my friends recently brought up the idea of consulting for startups. He’s been...
When left my full-time job last year, I started thinking about the lifestyle I wanted...
I remember the first time I sat down for a job interview with a startup...
I was talking with an entrepreneur and investor here in Chicago recently, and he pointed...
I once shared office space with a quickly-growing startup in downtown Chicago. This company seemed...
When I joined my first startup almost ten years ago, most of the prevailing wisdom...
I’ve worked in startups my whole career, first as a software engineer, then as a...
A lot has happened in 2020. As this strange and unsettling year comes to a...
“Most of all, there is this truth: No matter how great your teachers may be,...
When I graduated from college, my dream was to lead a team at a startup....
“Chief Technology Officer” (or “CTO”) sounds like a glamorous title. It’s right up there with...
As a startup developer I’m always trying to strike a balance between pragmatism and optimization....
I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with entrepreneurs who fit into the...
When I wrote this in September, 2014 I was managing an offshore dev team for...
I first published this post in February, 2015 when I was just getting back into...
“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go...
I wrote this post back in September of 2012. I had just started my first...
Since I wrote this post back in May, 2012, many more online companies have been...
When I wrote this article in April of 2012, Instagram had just been bought by...
I used to struggle with staying focused. Since I first wrote this article in March,...